Global Foreign Exchange Services

Data Protection & Privacy Policy

FirstForex is registered with the Information Commissioner as a Data Controller. Registration number Z1344684

We conform to the legal requirements and guidelines for the processing and controlling of personal information as per the Data Protection Act 1998.

We will not disclose or pass on any information held on an individual or client to third parties without their express permission, unless we are under a legal obligation to do so.

We are committed to promoting high standards in the handling of personal information and to protect an individual�s right to privacy.

Clients of FirstForex are entitled to see information that is held about them and to have it corrected if it is incorrect.

Website Legal Disclaimer

Research, Analysis & Case Studies provided via this website and associated documents are for information purposes only and are not intended as a solicitation for funds or a recommendation to trade.

FirstForex Limited accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damages suffered through any act or omission taken as a result of reading or interpreting any of the information contained or related to this site.

Copyright � FirstForex Ltd. All rights reserved.
Registered Company Name: FirstForex Limited. Registered in England and Wales Number: 06513645
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